Welcome to The North Carolina Governor's School Foundation.
Sustaining the North Carolina Governor’s School since 1990.
The North Carolina Governor's School Foundation is a nonprofit that was incorporated in 1990. Its sole purpose is to preserve and support North Carolina's flagship summer enrichment program. The program provides intellectually gifted eleventh grade students, with an opportuity to enhance their studies via a five and one-half week summer residential program. The holistic curriculum focuses on the exploration of the most contemporary ideas and concepts in a student's chosen discipline. The Foundation is committed to strengthening the future of North Carolina by fundrasing to ensure that the opportunity to attend The Governor's School is an option for all of North Carolina's brightest minds.
“Governor’s School was, without a doubt, the best experience that I have had in my entire life up to this point. I got to explore knowledge to whatever extent that I wanted, as there were no grades. The numerous electives allowed me to practice getting myself to where I wanted or needed to be based on a schedule that I created and let me explore wonderful new ideas and topics. Living on the campus let me have a break from the life I had always known, and I was able to learn how it would feel to live on a campus like I would have to do in just over a year. Finally, the fantastic people - the people that were all there for the same reason I was - to learn and enjoy themselves and to be interested in everything and everyone. The people who wanted nothing more than to hear your side of the story and to try to better understand a person and where they come from. The people with whom I ended up forming incredible friendships that will last a lifetime. In Governor’s School, I got to see what life could be with no stress and when I got to be exactly who I want to be. The confidence and the honestly I learned I can stand behind. It was incredible; it helped me find myself even as it led to an amazing change in who I am. I think of the experience and see its impact in my life constantly.”
“The scholarship I received is the reason I was able to have this incredible experience! GSW began my journey into truly becoming my own person with ideas and morals of my own. It made me realize what I want to do as an artist in the world. There are not words enough to thank you.”
Announcing a New Scholarship Fund to Honor the 40th Anniversary of GS Legend Chuck Sullivan!
Described by many as "the embodiment of Governor's School," Lead English Instructor and Area III Instructor Chuck Sullivan is back at Governor's School East for his 40th consecutive summer. That anyone could devote such a significant portion of his life and his career to instruction is noteworthy. That they could do so with the passion and compassion of Chuck Sullivan is truly legendary and a gift beyond measure for the thousands of Governor's School alumni whose lives have been forever enriched by his teachings.
We can think of no better way to honor Chuck's 40th anniversary than through the creation of a tuition scholarship fund in his honor. Consider giving "$40 for 40" and allowing the genius of Governor's School to work in the lives of future students.
In an interview recorded in 2018, at end of his 39th summer, Chuck Sullivan reflects on "the genius of Governor's School" and the lifelong impacts he's witnessed on students from all disciplines.
What Governor School administrators and other professionals have to say about Chuck Sullivan:
"Even though at Governor’s School we “question everything,” there is no question that Chuck Sullivan, in his 40 years of teaching at Governor’s School East, has been the master weaver of the fabric of our community, interlacing the threads of exploration, discovery, examination, questioning, expression, artistry, understanding, and connection."
- Laura Sam, GSE Site Director
“Chuck Sullivan embodies everything that Governor’s School is at its best: bottomless curiosity and passion with a tiny bit of mischief. He brings out the best in everyone he meets. But, most importantly, he believes in their ability to create beautiful, honest things.”
- Emmanuel Lipscomb, GSE Area III Coordinator, Area III Instructor and fellow English Instructor
“When it comes to poetry, and that is to say life, Chuck has a depth of wisdom. With a knowing twinkle in his eye, Chuck leads you to many crossroads of your own creation, and shows students in his own laid-back humorous way what it is to live a little more.”
- Joseph Haston, GSE alumnus serving as Chuck’s teaching assistant this summer
New Announcement: The Jim Hart Memorial Scholarship Fund!
The NC Governor's School Foundation is proud to announce the establishment of The Jim Hart Memorial Scholarship Fund to continue the legacy of lifelong Governor's School devotee and scholarship program founder, Jim Hart (GSW '79), who passed away in December. Over more than 20 years of service to the Alumni Association and six years on the board of the NC Governor's School Foundation, Jim worked tirelessly to ensure that future generations of students, regardless of economic circumstance, could experience the life changing transformation he had experienced in his youth. Reflecting on that time, Jim often recounted that, had tuition been in place in his day, he probably could not have attended. That very personal realization fueled a determination in Jim to eliminate barriers for others, and, by the time of his passing, the Foundation had awarded tuition scholarships to over 220 students in need. Read more about Jim's legacy and how to support scholarships in his memory here: The Jim Hart Scholarship Fund — The Governor's School Foundation.