Why We Give
The Governor's School experience lights a fire in a young person's mind that last a lifetime. No one understands this more than the over 34,000 alumni of the Governor's School. The chance to attend the Governor's School is an esteemed privilege, but the chance to provide the same opportunity to the next generation is a responsibility we take seriously: passing on the flame.
The young people that attend the Governor's School are a product of support and encouragement from parents, loved ones, and mentors. There is no greater gift than to see your child or family member take the first independent steps towards an exceptional future. When you contribute to the Governor's School Foundation, you give that same gift.
From the nation's first public university, to the nation's finest summer enrichment program, North Carolina has long been home to equal opportunity and unparalleled education. The Governor's School takes North Carolina's brightest minds and produces North Carolina's future leaders. An investment in the Governor's School is more than just an investment in excellence, it is a continuation of North Carolina's well-deserved reputation for public education.
There is no better way to invest in the future of North Carolina's Governor's School than by giving directly to the Governor's School Foundation. By donating below, you are carrying on the long tradition of excellence with North Carolina's finest summer enrichment program.