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Speak Up. Speak Out. Save Governor's School.

Two Budget Proposals.
Two Visions for North Carolina.

The North Carolina Senate recently released its Appropriations Act of 2017, which is its version of the budget for the state. Originally, Page F-13 of the Senate’s proposed budget called for the elimination of the net General Fund appropriations for Governor’s School. That’s a 100% cut, immediately. Fortunately, after rapid and vocal opposition from Governor's School friends, family, and alumni, the NC House Appropriations Subcommittee on Education passed a proposed budget that would maintain the current funding for Governor’s School. 

Now, with both budgets proposals finalized, the North Carolina House and Senate with go to conference to negotiate a final version of the North Carolina budget. If state legislators accept the Senate's budget, it will mean the end of Governor's School. However, if our elected leaders accept the House's version of the budget, Governor's School will continue on at its current rate of funding.

Here are three Next Steps you can take to Save Governor's School...

1. Write your local newspaper to show your support and appreciation. 

We have to continue to show our thanks and support for the House leaders who are helping to preserve Governor’s School, and we must encourage the Senate to agree with the House’s proposed funding.

Here are a few things to include in your letter 

  1. Express your appreciation to legislators in the House for helping to preserve Governor's School through their proposed budget.
  2. Encourage NC Senators to agree with the House's proposed funding in the final version of the budget.
  3. Share why Governor's School is important to you, your community, and our state.

Next, send your letter to the editor of your local newspaper. 

Check out this great example of a letter to the editor from Governor's School alumna Kelsey Rector.

2. Call your local House Representative and thank them for supporting Governor's School.

In just a few weeks, thousands friends of Governor's School have called and emailed their elected representatives asking that they support Governor's School. The recent House budget proposal is a sign that our elected leaders were listening. Be sure to show your appreciation by thanking your local elected House representative for their support.


3. Share your support on social media.